Monthly Archives: May 2010

May 20th, 2010 — In News & Events

City’s attempt to “un-eminent domain” seized land fails in court

The city of Dublin, Ohio had planned to construct a $50 million interchange project at Interstate 33 and Post Road for which a certain amount of property was needed. Dublin went about exercising its power of eminent domain to acquire the necessary private property to build this public project. Although the property owner and City have not yet completed the valuation process to determine just compensation for the taking, the City has paid the owner what it believes to be fair market value for the 3 parcels taken. The City has also taken possession, begun clearing and preparing the approximate 20 acres of land for construction.

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May 19th, 2010 — In News & Events

Update: Virginia business fighting blight and eminent domain to keep its property

Central Radio Company has been fixing communication systems for the Navy for decades, but now Old Dominion University, through the Norfolk Redevelopment Housing Authority (NRHA), wants the property on 39th Street for retail shopping.On Thursday, a Bob Wilson, owner of Central Radio, will begin to fight in court to keep his business.

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May 13th, 2010 — In News & Events

Virginia business battles blight and eminent domain to keep its property

Attorney Joe Waldo and the Central Radio Vice President Bob Wilson discuss on Fox & Friends how the neighboring university and housing authority have used a 12-year old study to determine that the property at which Central Radio, a defense contractor, currently operates its business is blighted and, therefore, should be redeveloped to spur economic development.

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May 11th, 2010 — In News & Events

Where does SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan stand on property rights?

Everyone is talking about President Obama’s announcement that he has nominated Elena Kagan to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens on the U.S. Supreme Court. Likewise, everyone is talking about Ms. Kagan – her credentials, her experience, and her philosophies (or, at least the lack of knowledge of her personal views and philosophies).

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May 6th, 2010 — In News & Events

Homeowners stand ground against eminent domain

Property is more than a piece of land for those who have worked their entire lives to make a comfortable home. What happens when the government says they need it?

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May 1st, 2010 — In News & Events

Update: Amici brief filed in SCOTUS “undivided fee rule” eminent domain case

Yesterday, the National Association for Home Builders together with the Wisconsin Building Association filed a brief amici curiae in support of the VFW in the City of Milwaukee Post No. 2874 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States v. Redevelopment Agency of the City of Milwaukee, No. 09-1204 (cert. petition filed Apr. 2, 2010).

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