Locate an Eminent Domain Lawyer

When the government uses its power of eminent domain to acquire your private property, we believe that it is in your best interest to waste no time locating an experienced eminent domain attorney. The condemnation process can be complicated and intimidating. Learning that a government agency or other condemning authority wants to acquire your property can also be emotionally challenging and stressful.

If you believe that your property is going to be acquired using the power of eminent domain, take action quickly to defend your property and your rights.

We are currently interviewing eminent domain attorneys for this state, please contact us at (877) 367-6963 or via email for assistance.

A Nationwide Network of Eminent Domain Lawyers Protecting Your Private Property Rights

Locate an Eminent Domain Lawyer

Locating an experienced eminent domain attorney who is prepared and willing to fight the government to defend your home, business, farm or investment property can be a challenge. Owners’ Counsel of America lawyers are committed to defending the rights of private property owners, large and small, across the country. OCA attorneys represent property owners against local and state governments, transportation authorities, private and public utilities, redevelopment authorities, the Federal government, and other agencies granted the power of eminent domain.

Select your state using the interactive map or drop down menu above, to locate an Owners’ Counsel of America eminent domain attorney in your state.

OCA attorneys assist landowners through every stage of the condemnation process – from pre-condemnation planning through litigation and appeal. Our attorneys are on the front lines of the landmark condemnation and property rights cases that have been decided or are currently before the courts in nearly every state and nationally.

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