December 14th, 2015 — By — In News & Events

ALI-CLE Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation Course 2016

Eminent domain attorneys, appraisers, engineers and other professionals in the field of eminent domain, property rights and land valuation litigation will gather this January to discuss the hot topics, newest cases and emerging issues impacting eminent domain law and those who practice in this area.  The 33rd Annual American Law Institute Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation course is scheduled to take place January 28-30 at the Hotel Van Zandt in Austin, Texas.

Who Should Attend

This annual conference brings together lawyers, appraisers, right-of-way professionals, and leading academics from around the country to share knowledge and experiences in eminent domain and property valuation law.  The course also offers professionals the opportunity to engage with and learn from those who may be on the other side of the issue – both property owner representatives and condemning agents attend and present in this unique forum.

For those who may be new to the practice, returning from time away or just looking for a refresher, a Condemnation 101 tract is offered on Thursday.  These sessions take a look at the basics of preparing and presenting an eminent domain case.  More experienced professionals may choose from concurrent sessions offering either substantive takings law courses or practical practice pointers.  All of the courses are taught by nationally recognized and experienced professionals.

Course Topics, Speakers and Schedule

A number of eminent domain attorneys with the Owners’ Counsel of America will be presenting at this course as well as condemning authority attorneys, a retired Minnesota Supreme Court Judge and well-known law professor.   A selection of this year’s topics is listed below:

• A review of the First Ten Years of the Roberts Court and the Court’s property rights opinions presented by OCA Honorary Member & Pacific Legal Foundation Litigation Director Jim Burling
• Valuation concerns in pipelines and energy corridor takings discussed by a panel including OCA’s Joseph Waldo of Virginia
• Advice to condemnees from condemnors
• Successful management of relocation matters presented by OCA attorneys Jill Gelineau of Oregon and Jack Sperber of Colorado along with Right-of-way and Relocation specialist Michael Sullivan
• Engineering issues in power line cases with OCA Florida Member Andrew Brigham and Engineer Robert C. Dew, Jr.
• First amendment claims in property rights litigation: free speech, defamation, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) claims with Institute for Justice Litigation Director and OCA Honorary Member Dana Berliner
• An interview by OCA’s Robert Thomas with filmmaker Ted Balaker about his upcoming movie “Little Pink House” – a story about the infamous Kelo case

Check out the full schedule online here or view the brochure linked below.

33d Annual ALI-CLE Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation Conference, Jan. 28-30, 2016, Austin, TX by robert_thomas_5

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